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How to Use Videos to Boost Traffic?

Updated: Mar 10, 2021

Although the video is not the only important aspect of on-page search engine optimization (SEO), adding video to your posts can play an important role in the amount of blog traffic you receive, and for several exciting reasons, you’re about to discover.

When it comes to making money blogging and obtaining a better rank for many different keyword phrase searches on Google, let me just add one name … YouTube!

You blog post pages and YouTube videos can work together to help the ranking of your site and post pages. I will go over the details of how all that works, but I want to add an important note in this post that everyone is wanting to make money blogging needs to know … read on.

Important Benefits Coming

Before I get into this top SEO tips and tricks series post about videos, I just want to add in here that I’m working on a few exciting projects you’ll get to learn about if you are on my email list. The best way you can stay up to date with the latest exciting news and information on the best tips and tricks to help you make more money blogging is to get on my email list for notices. I will soon be offering some critically important information that will catapult your blogging career into that level of success you deserve.

With that said, get registered on the right sidebar right now, so I have a way of offering you the exciting news coming up soon. It’s free to register and the benefits coming will be well worth it. Plus, you get the additional ebook free.

Okay, let’s move on.

Adding Videos To Posts Is Simple And Important

This post about videos is fairly simple and straightforward.

Videos in your posts can make all the difference in your blog getting more traffic.

Using videos in your posts adds more valuable page content and also gives your visitors a better experience.

Let me go back a few steps for a minute …

If you’ve read the other posts on this top SEO tips and tricks series, I mentioned about content being more than just verbiage. Content is all of the elements you add to each post. Video can be one of those beneficial content elements.

If you haven’t read those other posts on the top SEO tips and tricks series, my best advice is to start from the beginning and get caught up. Those posts on the top SEO tips and tricks will open up an exciting new world for you as a blogger. I think you’ll be quite blown away at the valuable information you learn from each post, especially if you’re new to blogging and looking to make money in this business.

If you are a beginner, i recommend you to invest your time in PTC sites, Get Paid to Sites and Surveys sites. The best to start with a GPT site that can earn you $10 to $20 per month. I recommend to join Inbox Dollars for this purpose. You could read more about this site in Online Earning Mentor.

Adding A Relevant YouTube Video Will Increase Blog Traffic

Adding one video to a post can give that post page 20 to 50 more visits per month depending on the topic and keywords used. Add that amount of traffic up over one year, and you could make several hundred to several thousand more in revenue depending on your blog niche and the products or services you offer from each blog post.

If you’re building an email list at the same time, you can get a good idea of the additional benefits of driving more traffic to your post pages by adding video whenever possible.

Go the extra mile and put your blog one step above everyone else’s blog in the same niche by adding video to your posts when possible.

Like I was saying in a previous post, you must take advantage of every on-page SEO tip and trick available, or you’re actually wasting your time blogging if you’re trying to make money in this business. If you haven’t read that other post where I put a lot of emphasis on this one particular bit of information, be sure to read that post. Understanding this entire on-page SEO process is critical to your success.

I don’t want to see you get frustrated and quit blogging before long if you’re not making money and gaining the traffic to your blog that you know it deserves.

How A Video Can Increase Your Blog Traffic?

Google’s spiders will follow the links on your pages leading out to the other sites, and if the video links offer relevant information to your post page content, this will help your page even more.

So, when choosing or creating a YouTube video for your post pages, be sure to either find a video with a title that offers all of the important keywords related to your post page content or make sure you create your video title with all of those important, relevant keywords.

Make Sure The Video Tags Are Relevant

Since YouTube also offers the opportunity to add tags (keywords) related to your video, I would be sure to fill that section with all of the important, relevant keywords.

Tip For Your YouTube Video

One tip for getting your YouTube videos ranked higher, is to translate the spoken word and add all of that text in the description space where YouTube allows you to add text. Be sure to ping the YouTube video URL after you make any updates to the description.

If you use someone else’s YouTube video on your post page, make sure that video offers a high number of views, proper relevant tags and a description filled with the relevant keywords you post page needs.

After you load a video link on to your post page, ping the URL link where the video is located.

Creating YouTube Videos Yourself

I like to create the YouTube video myself as much as possible. By creating my own videos on YouTube, I not only get the traffic from the video end on YouTube, but I also help out my blog at the same time.

I like to use the screen capture program Camtasia for creating most of my videos. It’s a simple program to use and easy to edit the clips.

I also have a regular video camera that I have not used in a while because it’s a lot more work and time for me to create and edit videos with that camera.

If you want to use an inexpensive screen capture program that works pretty well, there is a decent screen capture program called WM Recorder.

logitech webcam you can also get a Logitech webcam for the top of your monitor and easily create videos for your blog.

As you can see, there are many benefits to creating your own relevant YouTube videos and loading them on your post pages. You also have more control over the video description, tags, and title.

I think you have a pretty good idea that it’s beneficial for driving traffic by adding video to your post pages and articles.

My Quick Thoughts About This Post

I wanted to let you into my thinking for a second here to offer a quick tip while I’m thinking about it.

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As I write posts, I think about how simple this process is for me, and I can always feel myself wanting to get straight to the point and make these posts short. But, I have to remember that I’ve already learned all of this information and not everyone visiting here will have this knowledge. I have to keep reminding myself to write for the people who don’t know this information yet.

I figure I’m just an average person, so I know you’ll probably feel that same way sometimes when writing posts for your visitors. What I’m trying to say, is when writing posts you’ll have always to be sure and think about the people visiting your blog who are new to your niche.

I could just write one sentence for this blog post to get this video message across … “add relevant videos from YouTube to help your posts” … and be done with the post, but that won’t help me or the visitors to my blog. My blog will need a little more content in each of my post pages if I want them to get ranked for keywords.

No one has ever accused me of having ADD. Just kidding. I sometimes like to add important notes in as I think about them.

I thought I’d throw in this video of Matt Cutts answering a question about videos for a couple of reasons. If you don’t know who Matt Cutts of Google is yet, this is a good opportunity to get to know him. Plus, he offers a great tip about videos and backlinks.

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Sittideat Kitporkha
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